Asiko book

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The Asiko Book is a comprehensive guide to the groundbreaking Àsìkò program, which was established in 2010 by the Centre for Contemporary Art Lagos. The program aims to address the lack of updated and relevant curricula in arts and curatorial studies in African universities. Every year, a select group of emerging African artists and curators gather for a month-long immersive course led by an esteemed faculty of practicing artists, art historians, curators, and writers. Through a dynamic combination of lectures, workshops, and studio sessions, participants explore various aspects of art and curatorial practice, including historical and cultural context, theoretical frameworks, and professional skills. By fostering collaboration and creativity, the Asiko program encourages participants to develop innovative and experimental approaches to their work. The Asiko Book is an essential resource for anyone interested in learning more about this pioneering initiative and its impact on contemporary African art.

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